martes, 27 de marzo de 2012


I did my poster according to the koi fish tale, I don’t know if you sometime have heard it before.  First of all, Koi are considered good fortune in business or academic life is also associated with perseverance with the adversity (fortress) and the persistence, on the other side is also considered a symbol of patience and longevity.

 Also the Chinese and Japanese legends refer to the strength and value of the koi. One of them is the legend has it that there was a Dragon Gate on the Yellow River and only the fish that could swim upstream the river and reach the door could become a dragon. The koi will swim valiantly to win glory.  It is said that the rise of the waterfall koi means "to be succeed in life." 

As you can see, the Koi beyond the earthly inspires strength, determination and triumph. Because of that I wanted to compare it with my life, since I have always had to fight against the obstacles  of the path as well as get up again and over again in order to make my dreams come true. This fish is all that I want to be, represents my wishes of arrive to the end and become what I want to be an excellent teacher. It is a source of inspiration, and although it is legend, is something that makes me think that if a fish could, one day I will be a dragon.

Besides, the dragons have been seen as friendly and helpful creatures. They have proved to remain a symbol of strength, good fortune, wisdom and longevity.  There is a special kind of dragon that I think is the perfect one for my metaphor and my representation as a future teacher, this is an EARTH DRAGON because it is a quieter and reflective Dragon.

 It will be appreciative of others' opinions even if it fails to agree with them, as a teacher that has to hear all the students’ opinion without make judgments. Also it is leader that demands respect and knows the value of cooperation, that is what I talk about, I want that my students see me as good leader that tends to orient them through of the team work where everyone can express ideas, feeling as well as inculcate in them  a critic thought.

 Comment about the movie: "Freedom Writters"

Through the movie, "Freedom writers," we had the opportunity to know a real educational experience through a group of students impossible to control and to educate; at first, they could not stand each other. But, over time, they begin to obtain a positively transforming, thanks to the help of their teacher, and they begin to form a family, where they start to find: peace, love and companionship that did not have at home.
Other important thing to take in account in the drama of the movie was about the learning. Because, they studied many kind of literature.
These guys, at first, they only joined with other, for their lack of future, began to call themselves proudly Freedom Writters. Nowadays, this group of students gives us an example to many young people in thousands of schools that go through similar situations.

By: Diana Marcela Gallego.V.

Written By: Diana Marcela Gallego Velásquez

This is my poster, I did the poster in this way, because I think people build their lives step by step as a puzzle. Therefore, my poster is a puzzle..... "The Puzzle of Life".

The poster is divided in three parts. The first part explain, how I can show me as a teacher in the future, but I am a teacher many years ago, then I will show you some pictures, about my experience in many schools that I worked.

In the first image you can see my  my first students, this was my first experience as a teacher. Every photo is important to me, because with every group of students, I could learn significatives things to apply in my work and my own life.

 In the second part, I explain my recent academic life, because I am preparing to teach in other contexts, and I'm learning and acquiring new skills in order to put in practice my new knowledge in the future.
In this process I had to face many problems, but thank God I'm here. Trying to follow this beautiful way, that allows me to continue teaching.

Finally, In the third part of my poster, I want to show that through my learning process, and the construction of a new profile as an educator, I can get more and better things to convey to my students. For this reason I put this celebre phrase: "He who dares to Teach, must never cease to learn".

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012


First of all I wanted to show my learning and my teaching with people working, because it reflects a process that is done with effort, the stones represent the need to reach knowledge and the process of building a whole, each block is a phase must live to reach a goal, for that reason you can see categorizations from the base to the top.

The pyramid stays in a natural environment, because I would wish to teach in many places not just in a classroom, in my metaphor the pyramid is located in the center of the town since it is as a point of reference, for that reason I would like to be a point to reference to ask for orientation or help depending on the case.

I decided to do the metaphor with the pyramid, because I wanted to represent my teaching with something solid, with strong bases in order to transcendent beyond the time.

By: Fernando López Niño.

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012



Universal Grammar vs Interaction Hypothesis

Human language is unique; it is one of the communication systems of the natural world. The structure of this communication system is a consequence of the evolution of the humanity, as well as, from biological evolution, individual learning, and the cultural evolution of language itself. Thus, there are many theories and authors that have tried to define how acquisition of languages actually occurs. As we have said before, we will just focus on two principal theories Universal Grammar hypothesized by Noam Chomsky and Interaction Hypothesis.

The aspects that language may be innate in humans, and the universal features underlying the human languages, have been debated throughout the history by several authors. The innateness hypothesis or Universal Grammar hypothesis postulates the existence in the human brain of a Language Acquisition Device:” system of principles that children are born with that helps them learn language, and accounts for the order in which children learn structures, and the mistakes they make as they learn“.1 That means, children equipped from birth with the set of linguistic rules that form the “Universal Grammar”, grammatical rules which are common and general in  all languages. Universal grammar specifies the mechanism of language acquisition. That is, the patters and universal structures that every single language has, and how the children during the process of language learning, they use it for evaluating their input.

However, language acquisition is socially learned too and offers open and unlimited communicative potential. This process dependent upon, the child’s development in other areas, (social development). Therefore we argue that second language acquisition involves the role for social contexts and our understanding of the biological evolution of the language faculty. In few words, interaction hypothesis concerns that input alone is not enough; the role of the environment in learning process is essential matter of discourse. We show that cultural transmission can improve linguistic universals, undermining one of the arguments for strong innate constraints on language learning. Certainly, people need a specific context where they can increase their input and output, as well as the adequate spaces to perform and develop their pragmatic competence. 

The contribution made by internal and external factors to second language acquisition involved mental elements that learners use to input into knowledge, that is, strategies to internalize second language knowledge and social situations in which learning takes place and how the learners are exposed into them, entailing to construct an interlanguage (intermediate system located somewhere between the native language and the target language). Hence people need to be exposed, to be in a context where everyone can interact with others, to share ideas, clarifying doubts and learning to improve skills every day. It implies a combination of several different components interrelated with internal and external factors. 


1.     British Council, Teaching English, Language Acquisition Device. 
2.    Stephen Krashen's Theory of Second Language Acquisition. 



Language learners should demand natural learning



Noam Chomsky on Universal Grammar and the genetics of language

 Universal grammar and if chomsky’s view has changed through the time ...


Theoretical considerations have examined in an extended view the definition of second language acquisition. Krashen’s Monitor Model, is one of them. Stephen Krashen claimed that people acquire languages by the exposure to Comprehensible Input. In other words, significant input is the source of acquisition. Also he classified learners in two different categories: High Input Generators, who are often generating input with their teacher’s help and Low Input Generators, who are rarely generating input (passive learners). But if there is not the proper environment to achieve a comprehensible input because nobody uses the target language. It makes difficult the communication between students provoking low levels of proficiency and a null output (production).


Universal Grammar vs Interaction Hypothesis


Chapelle's Model of Interaction Hypothesis (1998)

 According to the interaction hypothesis (Long,Gass), second language acquisition occurs when learners    
 interact in conversation with native speakers and/or each other.
 Interactionist models can be represented thus:

Aspects of the input are noticed (apperception), comprehended and become intake to be integrated into interlanguage and available for production (output).
Interaction is thought to improve intake and integration by creating the need to negotiate meaning at points of communicative breakdown, and through various types of feedback (recasts, reformulations) which may be integrated into learner production (uptake).

This hypothesis suggests that feedback obtained during conversational interaction promotes interlanguage (IL) development because it:
Connects input, internal learner capacities, particularly selective attention, and output in productive ways. (Long, 1996)
In this view, classroom interaction is important not just to provide practice opportunities, but because interaction actually triggers acquisitional processes:
Conversational interaction in a second language forms the basis for the development of language rather than being only a forum for practice of specific language features.