martes, 27 de marzo de 2012


I did my poster according to the koi fish tale, I don’t know if you sometime have heard it before.  First of all, Koi are considered good fortune in business or academic life is also associated with perseverance with the adversity (fortress) and the persistence, on the other side is also considered a symbol of patience and longevity.

 Also the Chinese and Japanese legends refer to the strength and value of the koi. One of them is the legend has it that there was a Dragon Gate on the Yellow River and only the fish that could swim upstream the river and reach the door could become a dragon. The koi will swim valiantly to win glory.  It is said that the rise of the waterfall koi means "to be succeed in life." 

As you can see, the Koi beyond the earthly inspires strength, determination and triumph. Because of that I wanted to compare it with my life, since I have always had to fight against the obstacles  of the path as well as get up again and over again in order to make my dreams come true. This fish is all that I want to be, represents my wishes of arrive to the end and become what I want to be an excellent teacher. It is a source of inspiration, and although it is legend, is something that makes me think that if a fish could, one day I will be a dragon.

Besides, the dragons have been seen as friendly and helpful creatures. They have proved to remain a symbol of strength, good fortune, wisdom and longevity.  There is a special kind of dragon that I think is the perfect one for my metaphor and my representation as a future teacher, this is an EARTH DRAGON because it is a quieter and reflective Dragon.

 It will be appreciative of others' opinions even if it fails to agree with them, as a teacher that has to hear all the students’ opinion without make judgments. Also it is leader that demands respect and knows the value of cooperation, that is what I talk about, I want that my students see me as good leader that tends to orient them through of the team work where everyone can express ideas, feeling as well as inculcate in them  a critic thought.

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