martes, 27 de marzo de 2012

Written By: Diana Marcela Gallego Velásquez

This is my poster, I did the poster in this way, because I think people build their lives step by step as a puzzle. Therefore, my poster is a puzzle..... "The Puzzle of Life".

The poster is divided in three parts. The first part explain, how I can show me as a teacher in the future, but I am a teacher many years ago, then I will show you some pictures, about my experience in many schools that I worked.

In the first image you can see my  my first students, this was my first experience as a teacher. Every photo is important to me, because with every group of students, I could learn significatives things to apply in my work and my own life.

 In the second part, I explain my recent academic life, because I am preparing to teach in other contexts, and I'm learning and acquiring new skills in order to put in practice my new knowledge in the future.
In this process I had to face many problems, but thank God I'm here. Trying to follow this beautiful way, that allows me to continue teaching.

Finally, In the third part of my poster, I want to show that through my learning process, and the construction of a new profile as an educator, I can get more and better things to convey to my students. For this reason I put this celebre phrase: "He who dares to Teach, must never cease to learn".

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